My Fave Pregnancy Clothes + Fitness & Wellness Hacks! 


After everything we went through to become pregnant, it is crazy to believe we are probably just days away from meeting our little boy! As I write this I am currently at 38 weeks + 4 days (every day counts!) and I am still in shock this is really happening. It truly is still a “pinch me” moment which is maybe why it went SO fast. The first trimester still dragged for a multitude of reasons, and then these last few weeks are always tough, but this truly has been such an amazing & healthy pregnancy so far that I cannot complain.  I have a list of things I want to share with you from my favorite snacks to compression socks that have kept me feeling well the past 9 months.  Please share with any of your fellow prego mamas. 

First, let’s talk about clothes…

I am so NOT a fan of maternity clothing, but I truly believe it makes you feel better when you have a few pieces in your wardrobe that are made to fit that growing belly. Especially if you have a special event like a wedding to attend, swallow your pride and pay the extra $$ for that maternity dress. I went to one of my best friend’s wedding this Fall and I am so happy I invested in a cute dress (linked below). I felt as good as I could sober with a belly! 


  • For dresses at a reasonable price from every day to special occasion I had the best luck with ASOS maternity & Pink Blush Maternity. These sites usually always have some type of sale. I never bought anything full price. 

    • This dress was and still is my go-to everyday/casual/dress up or down dress

    • I wore this dress for Christmas photos. 

    • This one I wore for my friend’s wedding from Asos. I got a lot of compliments and it is priced so well. They always have sales. 

    • Leopard Print Swing Dress was super cute for another casual look. I wore it a fair amount. Looks cute w booties too.

    • I like to call this one my go-to date night dress. 

    • The Target dress for EVERYTHING. I have this dress in 3 colors pre-pregnancy. And I have worn the black one way too many times to count while prego. Haha I am actually sick of it, but it is super flattering for a growing bump! 


  • Trust me, you need a few fitted maternity tshirts because eventually the baggy t’s do not cut it. You will end up just looking like a tent. My fave store for comfy yet casual tshirts was Gap Maternity. And again, watch out for their sales. 

    • My FAVE gap tshirts. I wear these with leggings, jeans, shorts etc. They can be dressed up or down. They are flattering, cozy and wash well. For size reference I wore an x-small. 

    • A more fitted T-shirt but still fits well as your belly grows. (size small)

    • Tanks- have one in blk, white, & grey. (size small)

    • I liked this one from PinkBlush until it completely fell apart at the seams. Quality was NOT great but it was cute while it lasted.

  • Shorts:

    • This is for all my people in warmer climates! 

      • For working out/running: The lulu lemon Hotty Hot Short 11 *Long. I am currently still wearing these shorts at 38 weeks. Size up one size and you are golden.

      • Casual/Sleep/Wearing Around the house: I cannot say enough about these shorts from Amazon! So freaking comfortable. 

      • Jean/demin: To be 100% honest I didn’t find any that I loved. I ended up buying these from Pink Blush and I wore them a few times but I wouldn’t say I LOVED them.

      • I have two pairs of Isabel Maternity shorts from Target that I love. I currently cannot find the link, but here is one pair that are similar from Old Navy.  They are also fold over and they were great from the 1st trimester through now. They are even good for post partum.

  • Compression Socks!

    • I wish I discovered these earlier in my pregnancy. If you are on your feet a lot and are prone to swelling, spider or varicose veins, get yourself some compression socks! They truly work wonders for your poor legs that are carrying all that added weight. I love all of the ones from Comrad. I have some for working out and also for every day. I probably will wear them post partum too because if you have had a baby before you know PP hormones are no joke…

A look into my fitness routine throughout each trimester… 

It is no surprise I am a super active person. I am a runner first & foremost and love a good HIIT workout. That being said, my exercise routine during pregnancy is not one size fits all. If you never ran before you were pregnant, I wouldn't start now.  Same goes for most workout routines. Being pregnant is NOT the time to try something new. This is why it is so crucial to be in shape pre pregnancy. It will help you have a healthier and easier 9 months.

1st Trimester: 

This was the hardest for me because due to IVF, I was limited with what I could do physically.  I was still on progesterone injections which caused me to feel extra bloated, super tired, and very moody.  The dr still recommended I err on the side of caution and stay away from running or HIIT workouts.  This was hard, but a lot easier to manage knowing I was actually pregnant! A normal day during this time looked like a 3-4 mile walk with strength training and/or pilates. I usually aimed to do a pilates/yoga flow once a day if possible. 

2nd Trimester: 

Once I got the clear to run, I was so giddy! I could not wait to lace up my shoes and hit the pavement.  I started off slow and monitored my HR.  Before IVF & pregnancy, my average HR was around 140-145 for a standard 5 mile run at an 8:30 - 8:40 pace. My first run back was obviously way slower and it took a while for my HR to adjust. I would say after 2 weeks of consistent running 3-4x a week, I was running around 9:30 and I never liked to see my HR get over 160. The dr’s will tell you conversation pace is what you should aim for so I do a little bit of both.  I felt so good my whole second trimester. I think it was a combination of being off the progesterone and all the fertility meds as well as being able to delve back into my old workout routine.  So I took advantage of all the energy! I usually did straight running 3x a week. 2 days would be for about 5 miles and on Saturday I would do 6 or 7. The other days of the week, I would sprinkle in a Peloton Boot Camp 1x or 2x and 1 day of solely strength training. I did pilates/yoga flows almost daily from the Melissa Wood App. Each workout can be as short as 10 mins or as long as 40. They average around 20 minutes though most days.

3rd Trimester:
I feel like the last 3 months of pregnancy have 3 different modes...hear me out.

  • Month 7: You still feel good and have some of that energy left from the second trimester coursing through you. 

  • Month 8: You are getting more tired and that pelvic pressure is very real. It is becoming harder and harder to do life.

  • Month 9: NEVER ENDING.

Can you tell I am in month 9?? Here is the thing, it took me a while to get here, so I do not liek to complain about pregnancy. After all this is what I wanted, but guys, the last month blows.  Regardless of how excited you are or the trials you went to get to this moment, it is challenging and you just want that baby out and safely in your arms. This is how I feel anyways. I am sure there are some crazies out there who would disagree with me. That being said, exercise is a struggle and is a tad slower. However I still  make sure I do something every day even if it is just a walk. My workout schedule still looks the same as it did in the second trimester, but it is just a little slower.  For example, my weekly runs are more of a walk/jog/run interval. Some days I go longer or faster. It all depends how I feel.  At 38 weeks, I officially stopped running outside. I need to be near a bathroom. ABP (always be peeing). I am still strength training. I just do not get as low in those squats! I adapt and watch my HR and do what feels good.  Eevn if I wake up not feeling it, I do it because in the end I know I will feel better.  And usually after the first 5-10 mins of the workout, I have shaken it off and already start to feel those endorphins.

In conclusion, movement is medicine. Moving your body helps you feel better, and it is so good for pregnant women (especially in those last 2 weeks) to keep active. Incorporating the Melissa Wood flows have really helped me this pregnancy and in life in general. I feel more flexible and even lean if that is possible at 9 months! My arms have kept their definition for the most part and I attribute that to my daily dose of pilates.  It is so great for mental clarity too. The combination of running/walking/strength/& pilates has helped me stay sane and somewhat fit throughout this pregnancy and I am grateful I get to move my body!

Wellness + Prego Hacks…

To be 100% upfront with all of you, my diet has been far from perfect this pregnancy.  And it seems to get worse as I inch closer to my due date. EEK.  It can be so tricky when you are pregnant because a part of you wants to have that F*** mentality and eat ALL OF THE THINGS! Then the other part is more rational where you know deep down you cannot eat ALL OF THE THINGS.  I battle with both voices on the daily, but try to find a happy medium between the know, the right balance. Circling back into the “movement is medicine” mantra I stated earlier, I want to feel good. And if I eat like crap all the time, it is a given I will feel even more like crap.

During the week, I aim to eat healthy meals the majority of the time. For breakfast I will have a smoothie or a slice of dave’s bread with pb, bananas and a dollop of honey which is my jam right now! It depends on how I feel and most days lately, green smoothies are making we want to vomit so PB toast it is.  For lunch I usually make a big salad. Dinner is something healthy that consists of protein + veggies.  I like to save my treats or splurges for the weekend. It just helps me keep myself in check.  However if it is a wednesday and I want some soft serve or grinch fries, I do it! I just may cut back a little on the dessert that weekend. I mean one day last week, I had a diet coke and cheezits for lunch. So that day I made sure I had greens and a healthy dinner.  Make sense? I never believe in deprivation especially when pregnant.  I definitely treat myself. And at this point in my final week(s), I am definitely in more of the f*** it mentality ;-). 

Water, water, and more water. I cannot stress this enough. I drink so much water because if I didn’t, I would be so swollen! My feet easily swell right now and hydrating is the only way to combat that.  Even if it means more bathroom trips, it is a gamechanger.

Snacking is definitely one of my guilty pleasures during pregnancy. I usually always have an afternoon snack and most evenings a nighttime snack too because well…why the hell not?

Some of my favorite guilt free snacks: 

  • Popcorn: This is not necessarily guilt free but it can be! I like munching on Pirates Booty or my own air popped popcorn. Lesser Evil is another great brand too.

  • Protein Balls

  • PEANUT BUTTER - straight from the jar

  • Oikos Bars or any frozen greek yogurt bar

  • Flourless fudge brownies

  • Smart Sweets - great if you are a sour gummy lover!

Guilty Pleasures:

  • Popcorn from The Original Popcorn House: I cannot get enough of it this pregnancy! I go like once a week and the loaded baked potato, cheddar cheese, and dill pickle. SO freaking good.

  • Cheezits, cheetos, Veggie chips or anything salty is essentially what I want. If i could eat toasted cheezits all day I would. 

  • Soft Serve 

  • Wine: You can judge me, but a little wine is not going to hurt that baby especially in the last couple weeks. And being pregnant w a toddler…it is NEEDED. A little hack to make that wine last longer? Add ice, and some seltzer to your white wine and call it a spritzer. ;-) 

As uncomfortable as I am right now, I am very grateful for such a healthy pregnancy thus far. The fact that we are even here at this point still seems like a pinch me moment. The key to a healthy pregnancy is not much different than living a healthy life. Balance, baby. My advice is to be kind to yourself but also push yourself to get out there and be active (unless you’re high risk). You are pregnant, not dying! Have fun. Eat the icecream, but also eat the lettuce. Embrace the bump. Even accept the rest of the unpleasant changes like spider veins (me!) or stretch marks. Your body is amazing and that can all be fixed if you want one day anyways. Pregnancy is temporary and soon. we will be holding that baby in our arms.