Flourless Fudge Brownies

Today has been an awesome day. For one, I was able to see our baby boy for the mid pregnancy scan! I am 19 weeks pregnant, and getting so excited. Everything is looking really great and he is growing right on schedule. They got quite a good pic of his penis. I mean…I still can’t believe I am growing a penis. I know it is perfectly “normal”, and so many women do this! But when I actually see it, it still has shock value! haha Haha BUT I really am pumped and so happy he is healthy. My perinatologist’s office is right above where my fertility Dr is, so I made a point to see all the nurses before I left. Seeing their joy as they saw my bump and the baby’s US pictures made my heart just swell with all of the feels. They were SO excited and it was just so awesome to be hugging them for a happy reason. And isn’t it just refreshing being around people who care? And who are genuinely happy when others are happy? It reinstates my faith in humanity like that Luke Bryan song, “Most people are good”. And yes, I just quoted a country music song. Don’t hate. Moments like today, I pinch myself and cannot believe we are really here. We are pregnant!

I am halfway through this pregnancy, and I feel SO good. I actually feel the best I have in months which is probably because I am off all those crazy drugs. Being back to my active self helps my sanity too. As you know running is my sanity. And thank goodness I am running because I am becoming addicted to sweet treats! So I am trying to get creative and make healthier options that satisfy that sweet tooth without overdoing it. Enter, my flourless fudge brownies. These are so freaking delicious. I suggest heating them up for 15 secs in the microwave and eating with a scoop of coconut whip cream. HELL YES.

Flourless Fudge Brownies


  • 2 ripe bananas

  • 1 egg

  • 6 Tbsp cocoa powder

  • 1/3 cup good maple syrup - I use grade B (you could use coconut palm sugar too)

  • 1 tsp baking soda 

  • 1 cup chocolate chips (i use enjoy life brand)

  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut, sweetened preferably (optional)

  • 1/2 cup almond butter (or PB! I use AB bc stella is allergic to pb)

Bake @ 350 for 30-45 mins. I used a 4 inch round cake pan and usually bake for 30 minutes. I like them really gooey so I undercook.

recipesAngelica Flanigan