Black Bean Quesadillas & My Opinions on Health in Relation to Covid19

You know what no one is talking about amidst all of this coronavirus talk? Our over all general health. It is a fact that with Covid19 you are twice as likely to have a poor outcome if you’re obese. Back in May, the town of Huntington New York, decided to put their whole town on a diet. That may sound insane at first, but think about it for a second. Many people are gaining what has become known as the “quarantine 15”. So given the fact that, “COVID-19 has a much greater impact on people with co-morbid conditions, things such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma,” the town thought it would be incredibly beneficial to offer residents a plan to get back on track with a free program accessible through a FB page. There they can find resources for a healthy lifestyle plan, discussions, support, exercise and yoga classes. I think this is amazing. The full article can be found here.

Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma are all usually associated with obesity. One study from the Public Health of England found that people with a BMI of 35-40, risk of death from Covid19 increases by 40% and w a BMI over 40 by 90% compared to those not living w obesity.  Even being mildly obese makes it 5x more likely that catching the virus will land you in the ICU.

Yet, there is the quarantine 15. It is no surprise that countries with the lowest rates of obesity have had the lowest covid deaths. In China their obesity rate is 6%. America is 42%.

Obesity has always been an issue in America with heart disease being the #1 killer. But now you mix it with Covid and it kills fast. Despite these facts, I have never heard the media stress the importance of this. It is always wash your hands and wear a mask.

Yes, wearing a mask is important in certain public spaces. And for crying out loud, we all should ALWAYS be washing our hands. DUH. But where are our people in charge of health in this country?? Why doesn’t Fauci for instance ever mention the one major thing people could do to ensure a better outcome if they do get covid? The #1 thing we can do is to take care of ourselves and our over all general health. That comes with a better diet and exercise. This is a fact that never has changed.

I would love to see the media outlets sharing ideas and resources on how to live a healthier life instead of focusing in on all the doom & gloom. As Bill Maher said in his recent show, “Why not for every PSA for wearing a mask, a PSA for a healthy meal? Or a movement to get healthier food into poor neighborhoods?” #preach

Food and over all health has always been a huge passion point for me. I firmly believe you are what you eat. It is not about being “skinny”. It is about being healthy and eating wholesome ingredients that nourish your body. It is time for Americans to take care of themselves. That means becoming educated on what is in their food, what and how to eat well. Get active and move your body. Take care of your immune system so it is equipped to fight off ANY virus or common cold. Obesity is real. Diabetes is real. It is time to start taking these things seriously.

And now onto why you are really here…my super easy recipe for quesadillas! After all, HEALTHY eating can be fun.

Black Bean Avocado Quesadillas


  • 1/2 onion sliced

  • 1/2 bell pepper sliced

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1/2 cup black beans drained

  • 1 tablespoon taco seasoning (you can make your own!)

  • 4 siete brand tortillas (i used cassava)

  • 2 avocados- mashed with a little onion powder and sea salt

  • 1/2 lime

  • Mexican blend cheese


  • In a medium pan over medium-high heat, saute onion and bell pepper in 1 tablespoon oil for 2-3 minutes or until tender. Add the black beans and taco seasoning. Cook for another minute. Transfer mixture into a small bowl and set aside.

  • Rinse and wipe down pan and return to heat. Drizzle with a light layer of oil or spray with cooking spray.

  • In a small bowl, lightly mash the avocados with a fork. Stir in juice of 1/2 lime, season with onion powder, paprika salt and pepper to taste. Spread a quarter of mashed avocado onto half of a tortilla. Top with bean mixture and cheese. Fold the tortilla closed over the veggies. Repeat until all tortillas are filled and all fillings are used.

  • Cook on medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes per side or until the outside is crispy and cheese has fully melted. Serve with salsa or sour-cream.

    Mangia <3

recipesAngelica Flanigan