Wine Down Wednesday: Pinot Noir & Bachelor Recap!

Serious disappointment going on over here after this week’s Bachelor episode… After all of that suspense and build-up all Andi wants to do is just “catch-up”? I didn’t really understand the purpose that whole chat between the two of them was supposed to serve except for once again, embarrassing Nick some more on national television. Nick probably loved reliving one of the humiliating quotes in his life when he asked Andi on live tv why she would make love with him if she wasn’t in love with him. Yikes. I want to crawl under the couch for him. All is well though because Andi claims she has his back and gives him the OK to sleep with the remaining women. Phew, now Nick can really move on because Andi is there for him. Yea, he was so worried and grateful because he even apologized to her for his “make love” comment. Hey Nick, why not apologize to all of the women currently outside freezing their butts while they wait for YOUR rose?

Did it surprise anyone else that Nick didn’t give Corinne a rose? I was almost positive it was going to her. I guess he does have some common sense after all. As Nick walks Corinne out she profusely apologizes for anything she may have done to upset him. Really girl? He just dumped you why are you apologizing? She never once asks him if it is because she has a nanny or casually drops $3k on a guy who isn’t really her boyfriend. It was refreshing though to see her feminist side in the limo where she proclaims she is done kissing up to “her men”. You go girl. Who needs a man when you have Raquel?

Now we are in Finland where the fantasy dates commence! Raven may just be the sweetest girl ever, but I cringe when she discusses her orgasms, or lack there of in detail on national television. Ahh like why are you doing this? Once you say things on tv they are out there in the universe forever! What was truly endearing was watching her gather up her strength to tell Nick she loves him as she constantly is fidgeting with her wine glass. He swoops in and trys to take it away, but our girl Raven is having none of that. Girl after my own heart. So will Nick get the job done? Stay tuned America for more on Nick’s sex life next week!

This week’s wine is a classic. AtoZ is a delicious Oregon pinot noir that is fruit forward with hints of floral notes following that initial sip. What I love is that you can usually find AtoZ anywhere from your local grocery store to some random liquor store. I have seen it a lot, and it is guaranteed to be a crowd pleaser. They sell at Total Wine for $15.99 which is the best price I have seen so far. Enjoy your wine down Wednesday guys!