Finding your “Zen” & “Zin”

One of the reasons so many people enjoy a glass of wine in the evening is because it helps them wind down (hence wine down Wednesdays). It is a way to ease your mind from work mode into relaxation mode. The problem lies when that 2 glasses turns into more because you’re using it to deal with stress and maybe other issues that are plaguing you. I know it helps but it really isn’t the answer. You know that too.

So how do we de-stress in a healthy way? Running has always been my “therapy”. When something goes awry in my life I hit the pavement and just go. The past couple days I have been dealing with something personal that has had me anxious and super stung out. Running worked but only temporarily. Last night is when I finally felt calm and at peace. I tried out a yoga class. Now, for some background – I am not what you call a “yogi”. If I did yoga in the past it had to have some type of intense factor such as heat. Hot yoga was a favorite of mine because you sweat…a lot. To me sweat=happiness. So this experience was different. The emphasis in this class was to focus on your breath, your movements, and the present. The past was to have no place in your mind. The teacher talked you through each movement and as your mind might have begun to wander he brought you right back to the present. All that anxiety and angst I was experiencing I felt during my practice and once I simply acknowledged it I felt myself letting it go.

I know this sounds all hokey to some of you. It used to seem ridiculous to me too, yet I walked out of that studio a new person. My mind was clear, positive vibes were flowing and I felt good…good about myself. It was really cool. Life is full of ups and downs, but it is how you handle these experiences that makes the difference. You alone can control your own happiness.

Of course we still need our wine though… I am not saying wine doesn’t make things better. It just doesn’t fix them or help you find that internal “Zen”. Ya know what I mean? Ok enough with all of this spiritual stuff. Today’s pick is a zinfandel I stumbled upon at my local wine shop, “Alfred Hitchcock Presents Zinfandel 2014”.

They don’t sell at stores like Total Wine or BJ’s. You will most likely find this at a local, specialty wine store but it is not expensive. The sticker price was $14.99 but I got mine for $7 because it was part of a ½ case deal. Um, yea. So cheap. I was practically dancing out of the store! I did find it online as part of a wine club right here as well. If you can’t find it ask someone in the store for zinfandels from the Alexander Valley in California and they will be able to match it with a similar bottle. It is purely delicious and goes well with everything especially grilled meats and fish.

Go out there and find your “Zen” and this Zinfandel!