Wineabs’ Snack Hacks 101

In an ideal world we would never crave sweets or salty foods. We would stick to our weekly grind of healthy whether you’re a person who eats 5 times throughout the day or prefer the good old 3 meals a day. Realistically this is not always feasible and at times we want that chocolate, damnit! For normal people snacking is inevitable, so it is important to choose wisely. Most of the week, I try really hard to eat enough at meals where I don’t want to snack, but there are days where life happens. For these occasions I make sure to have smart options in my pantry. Good choices combined with the right portion control prevent the morning blues when you wake up and immediately think, “whyyy did I eat a half bag of Cheetos?!”

The first step to avoid this is pretty simple: don’t buy the crap in the first place. If you have kids who prefer certain junk food, why not introduce them at a young age to healthier options? Or start channeling that willpower. As I mentioned before ensure you have what I like to call “clean cheats” on hand in your kitchen. Below, I have put together a list of my snack hacks and favorite brands. Hopefully this will help give you some ideas on where to start and what to buy for you! When choosing “clean cheats” be sure to check a few things on the label:

  • ingredients (look for wholesome real food ingredients and the sweetner that is used)

  • sugar (whether it is sweetened with honey, organic cane sugar, or maple syrup it is still sugar so make sure to keep that in mind)

  • serving size (if you overeat then you might as well have a snickers)

If you are trying to lose weight, I suggest limiting any extra snacking during the week even clean cheats. This is true especially if you’re having your wine on the same night. I know, it sucks but it’s life.

Snack healthy and skip the morning blues. Avoid that Cheeto hangover! Or the pizza one… The worst was in college when I woke up with not only an actual alcohol induced hangover but the heavy remorse of downing half a buff chick pizza with extra blue cheese. EW. I was the queen of late night drunk food fests. Don’t worry since then I have matured and my drunk eating is very rare these days. Don’t pretend you have never enjoyed a late night pizza. And if you haven’t, well you’re missing out. Big time.

Wineabs’ Snack Hacks:


  1. Coconut Chips: I have two favorites! Find these at most local grocery store food chains like publix, stop&shop, Kroger etc.

    1. Bare Natural

    2. Dang Coconut Chips: The sea salt variety contains 0 sugar. Winning!

  2. Halo Ice Cream: This stuff is a godsend! A pint is only 236 calories for some flavors. I think the most is maybe 350…for a WHOLE pint. Healthy ice cream actually exists. Yes, there is some sugar, but the ingredient list is clean, clean, clean. Tip: it is a little icy at first, so let sit out about 20 minutes before you dig in. Favorite flavors: red velvet, salted caramel, birthday cake, chocolate peanut butter cup.

  3. Dates stuffed with nut butter: one of my go-to after dinner treats.

  4. Berries with whipped coconut cream or grassfed greek yogurt

  5. Lara Bars – They are great for snacks but also great when you need a little something sweet.

  6. Coco-roons”: A great treat without the guilt. These are sold at Whole Foods.

  7. RX Bars – Whether you’re on the run or need a little something sweet these are some of the best protein/meal bars out there. They live up to their tagline of “no b.s.” If I am really craving something sweet at night I eat a half of the chocolate sea salt or coconut chocolate to satisfy my craving

  8. FroPro: This is one of my favorite snack bars! Packed with protein, fropro is your perfect snack or post workout recovery bar. They taste like candy, but all the ingredients are gluten free, all natural, and plant based. I also happen to know the creators personally and they are awesome people doing right in this world. Check out their story here, and you will soon learn this is more than a protein bar.


  1. Plantain Chips: I love these things! Plantains are one of the starchiest vegetables, but if you’re active, fit, and eat low carb a little plantains won’t sabotage your diet. If you are trying to lose weight, limit your consumption or make them your only high carb treat for the day. Terra Chips make a great bag.

  2. Popcorn: I used to pop it fresh over the stove with some olive oil and salt. It actually served as my dinner many times my first year out of college…with a side of wine. Do NOT buy microwave popcorn. The bags are loaded with chemicals. “A report from the FDA indicates that a chemical coating used in microwave popcorn bags breaks down when heated into a substance called perfluorooctanoic (PFOA). The Environmental Protection Agency has identified PFOA as a “likely carcinogen.” Another study has found an acid that can be extracted from the chemical causes cancer in animals and is “likely to cause cancer in humans.”

Stay away! Stick with organic or GMO free brands!

  1. Marys Gone Crackers with Hummus: Great source of fiber and whole grains are in these delicious crackers. I love eating them with hummus or cheese for a salty snack.

  2. Organic Nut Mixes- Did you know that America is the only country that sprays their nuts with chemicals?? (ha ha I know where your mind just went) In all seriousness though that is messed up. For that reason I buy only organic nuts. When it comes to organic, there are some exceptions to the rules, but in this situation there is no doubt you should go organic. Chemicals = cancer.

  3. Trail Mix- This is a little sweet and salty. I prefer to make my own preferably because of the whole nut issue I mentioned above. Here is an example of something I would normally do:

  • organic walnuts, cashews, or almonds

  • dark chocolate bites (80& cacao)

  • coconut flakes

  • dried fruit or dried apple chips

Happy Snacking!